EdD 700 Organizational Development and Change in Education   3 credits

This course focuses on theories and strategies of organizations that impact the administration and organizational development of schools. 理论, 概念, and the processes for successful change are examined and applied to real situations.

EdD 710 Leading a 健康 Sciences Learning Organization   3 credits

This course focuses on best practices of leadership in an educational setting. 系统理论, leadership theory, communication theory, organizational dynamics, and organizational best practices provide a framework for study. 认证, 治理, strategic 规划, quality improvement and law as it relates to higher education are 概念 included.

EdD 720 Finance and Fiscal Management   3 credits

This course focuses on the principles of fiscal resource management and application to the roles of health science educators. Concepts covered include cost analysis, 预算, contract development, and the financial aspects of program development and evaluation.

EdD 730 Professional, 道德, and Legal Issues and Trends in 健康 Professions Education   3 credits

This course focuses on professional, 道德, and legal issues confronted by educators in the health professions. The course includes discussion and application of the principles that guide 道德 decision making. The impact of state and federal laws on educational practices is analyzed. Issues and trends related to privacy, 保密, 人权, educational accommodations, 正当程序, and academic integrity are included.

EdD 740 Today's 健康 Sciences Student: Trends, Issues, and Challenges   3 credits

This course focuses on analyzing current student issues and trends impacting education in the health sciences. The course examines the culture of undergraduate students in nursing and health sciences education and how this culture prepares professionals for the clients they will serve. Focus is given to the changing student clientele and its subgroups and cultures. Student characteristics, 的态度, and values and broad issues regarding their participation in the educational experience are considered

EdD 750 Curriculum Theory and Design in the 健康 Professions   3 credits

This course focuses on the exploration of evidence-based based teaching/learning theories and 概念 as well as relevant standards and evaluation criteria as they apply to diverse learning environments. Emphasis is placed on development, 实现, and evaluation of health professions education courses and curricula.

EdD 760 Pedagogy in 健康 Professions Education   3 credits

This course examines application of teaching and learning 概念. Philosophy and practices of education and instruction will be emphasized as well as the practical application of the styles and methods of instruction used in the teaching profession.

EdD 770 Assessment and Evaluation in 健康 Sciences Education   3 credits

This course focuses on issues and practices of evaluation and assessment of educational outcomes, including student learning, 课程, and program evaluation, as well as teacher competency. Testing/assessment methods will be analyzed. Specialty and regional accreditation standards, criteria, and processes will be explored.

EdD 780 Integrating Evolving Technology in 健康 Professions Education   3 credits

The course is designed to focus on the interaction between technology and pedagogy. Discussion will include use of various technologies in teaching, such as multimedia, 互联网, digital libraries and textbooks, 网络, virtual classrooms and labs, use of simulation, and quality measures for the use of technology in education.


EdD 795 Practicum in 健康 Professions Education   3 credits

This course focuses on the application of educator roles and functions of assessing, 规划, 干预, 监控, and evaluating education in an academic setting. Emphasis is placed on implementing a coordinated, 协作, technologically appropriate, and integrated approach to health education 课程, 实现 and evaluation. 另外, adult learning theories will be explored and applied to health sciences educational settings.
先决条件: EdD 750, EdD 760, or permission of the Director

EdD 796 Scholar-Practitioner Project   3 credits

在本课程中, students will complete a scholar-practitioner project in which they address an issue in their local setting through the completion of a project. Students will develop a 课程 plan, prepare a professional development or training 课程 and materials, or write a policy recommendation (position) paper.
先决条件: EdD 750, EdD 760, EdD 770, EdD 780, or permission of the Director

EdD 801a 健康 Sciences Educator 应用程序s   3 credits

在本课程中, students will be mentored by a faculty member to complete an educator-focused project. Students will prepare for and reflect on experiences typically encountered by a health sciences educator. Teaching or developing a course, preparing for a conference presentation, attending an educational conference, educational committee work, or administrative duties are all examples of duties associated with health sciences educators. New educators or those preparing for a promotion will be mentored by an experienced educator.

EdD 841 Continuation of Dissertation   0.5个学分

This course allows students to complete work on the dissertation after three sections of EdD 855: Scholar-Practitioner Research Paper have been taken.

EdD 845 Educational Research   3 credits

This course focuses on research methods specific to educational environments. This course will provide the student with tools for conducting a major research project. Topics include conceptualizing a research study, designs for research, 方法, 数据收集 和分析, and communicating results. A two-day residency is included in this course.

EdD 850 Research Methodologies   6 credits

This course prepares students to develop a research study proposal. Within this course, students will explore educational qualitative and quantitative research designs, 数据收集, 和分析. Qualitative designs will include but not be limited to ethnography, 案例研究, 生活经验, narrative inquiry, 历史, and grounded theory. Issues such as ethics, validity and reliability in relation to qualitative research are addressed. The relationship between quantitative research design and selection of statistical analyses and reporting mechanisms are also included. Students will identify a local problem to be studied, complete a review of literature applicable to the problem, and determine the appropriate research or evaluation design to address the problem. A two-day residency is included in this course.
先决条件: EdD 845

EdD 855 Scholar-Practitioner Research Paper   4 credits

This course requires the successful completion of an original scholar-practitioner research dissertation under the supervision of a dissertation committee of graduate faculty which includes an expert in the topic of the dissertation. In the first section of the course, students will complete and defend their research study proposal and apply for IRB approval. After IRB approval is achieved, students will begin 数据收集 or work on their project. In the second section of the course, students will complete 数据收集 and transition to data analysis. In addition, students will begin work on writing the final research project report. In the final section of the course, students complete and defend their dissertation. 另外, students will work on a plan to publish their research findings.
先决条件: EdD 850